Gala Facts

What is the Gala?
The Gala is Columbia’s premier black-tie event.  Our fun-filled evening is highlighted by a sit-down dinner and open bar, Silent and Live Auctions and several other opportunities to support CIS.  It will take place on February 10, 2012.   Invitations will be mailed to everyone in the CIS community including current and past parents, grandparents and friends of CIS.  If you would like us to mail an invitation to a friend or family member, contact the Gala office at  

What is the Spaghetti Supper?
The Spaghetti Supper is the family event that makes up a portion of Gala Week.  It features kid friendly food, game booths, raffles, silent auction tables packed full of family focused auction items, a fun live auction.  The pre-registration deadline will be one week prior to the event in February and will allow you to take advantage of the discounted ticket price!  Walk-in registration is also accepted. 

Gala Kick-Off Party—Friday, Sept 30th
Spaghetti Supper—Friday, February 3rd
Gala—Friday, February 10th

Kick Off Party
The Kick Off Party is the “official” opening event of our Gala Season. This fun evening is a night at CIS with friends, cocktails and hors d’oeuvres and features the unveiling of our Gala theme for the year.  It is also the start of the Special Occasion Big Sale (see description below). 

Your price for admission is one or more of the following:
  • An auction item to donate for the Gala
  • An Underwriting commitment
  • Sponsorship commitment
It’s a fun event and a great way to kick off The Gala festivities! 
 Special Occasion Big Sales
 Each year the Gala committee offers CIS families the opportunity to attend a variety of unique events.  Each event has limited availability and space is filled on a first come, first serve basis.  Events change each year and ticket prices vary depending on the event.  Occasions in years past have included:
  • Holiday Homes Tour Christmas Caravan
  • Sushi 101 Class
  • Breakfast with Santa
  • Father Daughter Dance
  • MU Basketball Suite Party
The VERY FIRST opportunity to sign up for events is at the Gala Kick Off Party.  Remember, demand is high and space is limited so plan to come to the Kick Off Party to insure you can attend the Special Occasion Events of your choice!

Parent Packet
The Parent Packet is handed out to all CIS parents in fall.  It contains extensive Gala information and forms pertaining to all Gala opportunities explained here!  

Our auction is the heart and soul of our Gala.  All auction items are donated by local businesses and individuals and range in value from $10 to $20,000!  Each and every donation is important to our success!  Although we gladly accept donations right up to Gala day, we love to highlight our donors in our auction catalog.  The catalog deadline will be announced soon!

Each year we distribute an extensive catalog to all Gala attendees highlighting donors, sponsors, underwriters and auction items.  The back portion of The Gala catalog is reserved for advertising.  We have several full color options including both covers.  All additional ads are black and white and range from business card size to full page.  Many local businesses purchase ads.  Ads are also available for CIS families to praise a child or thank a teacher.  Stop by The Gala office to browse past Gala catalogs.

We offer several sponsorship levels.  They range from $2,500 to $10,000 with each level offering its own package of benefits.    All levels include a tax deductible donation amount along with a table for 10, advertising opportunities, and more. 

Many generous Underwriters allow all Gala proceeds to directly benefit CIS.  These cash donations are 100% tax deductible and include many different levels of giving.  Each and every Underwriting dollar is important!  Underwriting opportunities are available for both the Gala and the Spaghetti Supper.  Please see your invitation or Parent Packet for Underwriting opportunities.

Worker Bees
 The Gala takes lots of helping hands to organize, AND WE NEED EVERYONE!  Worker Bee sessions may involve stuffing envelopes, sticking labels, sorting auction items, making copies and more.  We work hard, but have lots of fun at the same time!  All Worker Bee session are announced via e-mail and usually give a window of time when we will be working.